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Planning for future decision-making

Throughout our lives we make decisions about how we live based on our personal preferences, beliefs and values. If anything happened to you that prevented you from making your own decisions you might want to have some control over how these were made.

Planning for the future will enable you to choose how decisions are made in the future and/or who will make personal, lifestyle, financial and treatment decisions on your behalf, if you are ever unable to do so.  You will also have the opportunity to give the people you appoint as decision makers some guidance about what your personal preferences are. This will also assist them in making decisions in your best interests.

In Western Australia there are three legal tools which may assist you to plan for how these decisions are made on your behalf in the future. These are:

Enduring power of attorney: which enables you to appoint someone to make financial and property decisions

Enduring power of guardianship: which enables you to appoint someone to make personal, lifestyle and treatment decisions

Advanced health directive: which enables you to write down your decisions about the specific treatment and health care you would want in certain medical circumstances.

We will provide details over the next few weeks about each of these tools.  Look out for our next blog.

Contact us on 1300 127 284 should you require assistance with aged care issues from home care to residential care.  We can assist with the completion of  Centrelink forms too.

Factual Advice Warning: Any information provided in this website is purely factual in nature and does not take into account your personal objectives, situation or needs. The information is objectively ascertainable and is not intended to imply any recommendation or opinion. This does not constitute financial product advice under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).