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Make festive season conversations matter

It’s more than prawns and pavlova. The festive season brings families together from near and far. If you notice signs that an older family member is experiencing the declines of ageing, be observant and take the opportunity to start a conversation.

As the year flies by, it's easy to miss subtle changes in your loved ones or perhaps when coming together in the festive season after some time apart, you notice signs of decline in an older family member.

While we may want to avoid difficult conversations, waiting until a crisis - such as a fall or confusion over simple tasks - can lead to rushed, emotional decisions that may not be the best for everyone involved.

The festive season presents an opportunity to gently start later-life planning conversations. By addressing potential needs now, future planning becomes a gradual process, and accepting help feels more natural rather than a sudden, overwhelming admission of an inability to cope.

This approach might be the first step to offering your loved one a greater sense of control over their future. Control helps them maintain independence, feel valued, and alleviate some of the daily challenges they may face. It can also reduce pressure on the whole family.

Tips for starting the conversation

The festive season may be one of the few opportunities when the whole family is gathered together, making it an ideal moment to have important family discussions. But how do you bring up a sensitive topic without being the grinch who puts a dampener the festive mood? 

  • Be observant for signs that your loved one may be struggling. 

  • Choose a quiet, private setting to discuss their concerns and preferences. 

  • Encourage them to invite other trusted family members into the conversation. 

  • Ask for their permission to start researching and planning options for their future needs. 

The key to success is planning—and planning early leads to the best outcomes. 

How we can help 

If the thought of having this conversation feels overwhelming, we’re here to help.  Lyn and Janine can provide guidance and act as a neutral voice during what can be an emotional discussion, helping to ease tensions and keep the focus on planning for the future. 

Make an appointment to discuss options and actions needed to be taken.                Call us on 1300 127 284. 

Factual Advice Warning: This document has been prepared based on our understanding of the relevant legislation at the time of writing.  While every care has been taken, Aged Care Pathways WA makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the contents. Any information provided in this website is purely factual in nature and does not take into account your personal objectives, situation or needs. The information is objectively ascertainable and is not intended to imply any recommendation or opinion. This does not constitute financial product advice under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).  Before making decisions, you should consider the appropriateness for your personal investment objectives, financial situation or individual needs.  We recommend you see a financial adviser, registered tax agent or legal adviser before making any decisions based on this information.